.net 2002 March
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360 lines
* script to display a popup calendar
* added by Sidney Chong (sidney@gamebox.net) 12/12/2001
* modified by Sidney Chong (sidney@gamebox.net) 15/01/2002
* - added display of events (eg holidays) specified
* in a file referenced by the var 'eventsfileurl'
* modified by Sidney Chong (sidney@gamebox.net) 16/01/2002
* - changed event month to run from 1-12 instead of 0-11
* - assume event date to be recurring if month or year attribute
* is not specified.
* modified by Monty Scroggins 31/03/2002
* - added support for a local events file with referenced by
* a the var 'localeventsfileurl'
* modified by Neel Doshi 31/03/2002
* - configured the calendar to use the stylesheet
* - fixed the bug where "today" was not being highlighted if today is Sunday
* $Revision: 1.9 $
* $Date: 2002/07/12 11:56:38 $
* - add ability to distingush b/w different kind of events
* - add ability to input events directly from search box
var ents = null;
var lents = null;
function loadeventslist()
document.write("<xml id='eventslist' src='" + eventsfileurl + "'></xml>");
ents = document.all("eventslist").selectSingleNode("events");
catch (ex) {}
function loadlocaleventslist()
document.write("<xml id='localeventslist' src='" + localeventsfileurl + "'></xml>");
lents = document.all("localeventslist").selectSingleNode("events");
catch (ex) {}
function yhocal(dat)
// adjust for the local time zone
dat = dat - (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 1000 * 60;
// round down to closest day (in minutes)
dat = Math.floor(dat / 60 / 60 / 24 / 1000) * 60 * 60 * 24;
openNamedSearchWindow("http://calendar.yahoo.com/srt:0/?v=0&t=" + dat, "dqsdcal");
function msncal(dat)
var dobj = new Date(dat);
var yy = dobj.getYear();
if (yy < 100) yy += 1900;
openNamedSearchWindow("http://calendar.msn.com/calendar/isapi.dll?calendarView=day&day=" + dobj.getDate() + "&month=" + (dobj.getMonth()+1) + "&year=" + yy, "dqsdcal");
function nsccal(dat)
var dobj = new Date(dat);
var yy = dobj.getYear();
if (yy < 100) yy += 1900;
openNamedSearchWindow("http://calendar.netscape.com/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+DayGridView?_Date=" + (dobj.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + dobj.getDate() + "/" + yy, "dqsdcal");
function aolcal(dat)
var dobj = new Date(dat);
var yy = dobj.getYear();
if (yy < 100) yy += 1900;
openNamedSearchWindow("http://calendar.aol.com/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+DayGridView?_Date=" + (dobj.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + dobj.getDate() + "/" + yy, "dqsdcal");
function mycal(dat)
var dobj = new Date(dat);
var yy = dobj.getYear();
if (yy < 100) yy += 1900;
openNamedSearchWindow("http://www.mycalendar.com/?act=thisday&curdate=" + (dobj.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + dobj.getDate() + "/" + yy, "dqsdcal");
function evcal(dat)
var dobj = new Date(dat);
var yy = dobj.getYear();
if (yy < 100) yy += 1900;
openNamedSearchWindow("http://www.evite.com/welcome?date=" + (dobj.getMonth() + 1) + "%2F" + dobj.getDate() + "%2F" + yy, "dqsdcal");
function outlook(dat)
// TODO - find out how to open at a particular date
//vars used by the calendar script
var DAYS_OF_WEEK = 7; // "constant" for number of days in a week
var DAYS_OF_MONTH = 31; // "constant" for number of days in a month
var Calendar = new Date(); //stores the date the user is looking at
var Today = new Date(); // stores the date marked as today
var popcal = null;
function showcal()
if (!dopopup || !cal)
return true;
if (popcal == null)
popcal = window.createPopup();
popcal.document.body.innerHTML = buildcal();
else if (Today.getDate() != (new Date()).getDate())
popcal.document.body.innerHTML = buildcal();
popcal.show(document.body.clientWidth - calwidth, -calheight, calwidth, calheight, document.body);
return false;
calupdatetimer = null;
function movecal(nMths)
popcal.document.all["calhead"].innerHTML = buildcalheader();
if (calupdatetimer == null)
calupdatetimer = setTimeout("updatecal()", 0);
function updatecal()
calupdatetimer = null;
popcal.document.body.innerHTML = buildcal();
function opencal(d)
if (defaultcal)
if (popcal)
eval(defaultcal + '(' + d + ')');
function buildcalhtmlhead()
return '<table class=cal width=100% height=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td><style>' + convertStylesToInline() + '</style>';
function buildcalheader()
return getMonthName(Calendar.getMonth()+1) + ' ' + Calendar.getFullYear();
function buildcal()
var year = Calendar.getFullYear(); // Returns year in 4 digits
var month = Calendar.getMonth(); // Returns month (0-11)
Today = new Date();
var weekday = -1;
if (Today.getMonth() == Calendar.getMonth() && Today.getYear() == Calendar.getYear())
weekday = Today.getDay();
var cal; // Used for printing
Calendar.setDate(1); // Start the calendar day at '1'
var TR_start = '<tr>';
var TR_end = '</tr>';
var day_start = '<td width=14.2857% class=caldow>';
var day_end = '</td>';
function eventday_start(d, ttl)
return '<td class=caleventday' +
(defaultcal ? ' onmouseover=this.className="caleventdayhigh" onmouseout=this.className="caleventday" onmouseup=this.className="caleventday";parent.opencal(' + d + ');' : ' ') +
' title="' + ttl + '">';
var eventday_end = '</td>';
function todayevent_start(d, ttl)
return '<td class=caltodayevent' +
(defaultcal ? ' onmouseover=this.className="caltodayeventhigh" onmouseout=this.className="caltodayevent" onmouseup=this.className="caltodayevent";parent.opencal(' + d + ');' : ' ') +
' title="' + ttl + '"' + '>';
var todayevent_end = '</td>';
function today_start(d)
return '<td class=caltoday' +
(defaultcal ? ' onmouseover=this.className="caltodayhigh" onmouseout=this.className="caltoday" onmouseup=this.className="caltoday";parent.opencal(' + d + ');' : ' ') + '>';
var today_end = '</td>';
function gray_start(d)
return '<td class=calgray' +
(defaultcal ? ' onmouseover=this.className="calgrayhigh" onmouseout=this.className="calgray" onmouseup=this.className="calgray";parent.opencal(' + d + ');' : ' ') + '>';
var gray_end = '</td>';
function TD_start(d)
return '<td class=calday' +
(defaultcal ? ' onmouseover=this.className="caldayhigh" onmouseout=this.className="calday" onmouseup=this.className="calday";parent.opencal(' + d + ');' : ' ') + '>';
var TD_end = '</td>';
cal = buildcalhtmlhead();
cal += '<table width=100% height=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>';
cal += '<td colspan=7><table width=100% height=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>';
cal += '<td><table align=left height=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>';
cal += '<td class=calnavyear width=0 title="' + local(PREV_YEAR) + '" ' +
' onmouseup="parent.movecal(-12);return false;" ' +
' onmouseover=this.className="calnavyearhigh" ' +
' onmouseout=this.className="calnavyear" > « </td>';
cal += '<td class=calnavmonth width=0 title="' + local(PREV_MONTH) + '" ' +
' onmouseup="parent.movecal(-1);return false;" ' +
' onmouseover=this.className="calnavmonthhigh" ' +
' onmouseout=this.className="calnavmonth" > ‹ </td></tr></table></td>';
if (weekday < 0)
cal += '<td id=calhead class=calmonth title="' + local(GO_TO_TODAY) + '" ' +
' onmouseup="parent.Calendar=new Date();parent.movecal(0);" ' +
' onmouseover=this.className="calmonthhigh" ' +
' onmouseout=this.className="calmonth" >';
cal += '<td id=calhead class=calmonth colspan=' + (DAYS_OF_WEEK - 2) + '>';
cal += buildcalheader();
cal += '</td>';
cal += '<td><table align=RIGHT height=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>';
cal += '<td class=calnavmonth width=0 title="' + local(NEXT_MONTH) + '" ' +
' onmouseup="parent.movecal(+1);return false;" ' +
' onmouseover=this.className="calnavmonthhigh" ' +
' onmouseout=this.className="calnavmonth" > › </td>';
cal += '<td class=calnavyear width=0 title="' + local(NEXT_YEAR) + '" ' +
' onmouseup="parent.movecal(+12);return false;" ' +
' onmouseover=this.className="calnavyearhigh" ' +
' onmouseout=this.className="calnavyear" > » </td></tr></table></td>';
cal += '</td></tr></table>';
cal += TR_end + TR_start;
//printing day labels
for(index=0; index < DAYS_OF_WEEK; index++)
cal += day_start;
cal += getDayName(index+7+1);
cal += day_end;
cal += TD_end;
//fill spaces until first day in the month
var whichmonth = -1;
var filldays = Calendar.getDay();
Calendar.setDate(Calendar.getDate() - filldays);
//draw six weeks loop for each day in the month
for (index=0; index < DAYS_OF_WEEK * 6; index++)
var month_day = Calendar.getDate();
if (month_day == 1) whichmonth += 1;
week_day = Calendar.getDay();
// start new row if we hit a new week
if (week_day == 0) cal += TR_end + TR_start;
var ent = null;
var lent = null;
querystr = 'event[date[(number(@year)="'+year+'" || not(@year)) && (number(@month)="'+(month+1)+'" || not(@month)) && number(@day)="'+month_day+'"]]';
if (ents)
ent = ents.selectSingleNode(querystr);
if (lents)
lent = lents.selectSingleNode(querystr);
var highlight = false;
if( weekday>=0 && Today.getDate()==month_day)
highlight = true;
// highlight appropriately
if (whichmonth != 0)
cal += gray_start(Calendar.getTime()) + month_day + gray_end;
if (highlight && ent)
cal += todayevent_start(Calendar.getTime(), ent.getAttribute("name"));
if (highlight)
cal += today_start(Calendar.getTime());
if (ent)
cal += eventday_start(Calendar.getTime(), ent.getAttribute("name"));
if (lent)
cal += eventday_start(Calendar.getTime(), lent.getAttribute("name"));
cal += TD_start(Calendar.getTime());
cal += month_day;
if (highlight && ent)
cal += todayevent_end;
if (highlight)
cal += today_end;
if (ent)
cal += eventday_end;
cal += TD_end;
//advance the date for next iteration
}// end for loop
cal += TR_end;
//reset back the calendar's month
cal += '</table>'
cal += '</td></tr></table>';
//return the html string
return cal;